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Barnaby’s Shorts (Volume Five) Ten more Short Stories to read in the bath, on the train, in bed, or on the beach. A mixed bag of gentle humour, a touch of mystery and a hint of adventure. Tales with a twist. A Load of Balls  -  another tale from the Vertigo labs. The Simulated Man  -  a virtual man, human in every way. Speed Dating  -  an extract from 'Every Which Way But East'. The Steam Circus  -  three lads playing hooky from school. A Short History of Loneliness  -  where did loneliness come from? Absolutely Starving -  a conversation between a father and son. Frostie -  a body frozen in time. A Trace of Boron  -  a story about marriage. Rich Man, Poor Man  -  a tale from Sri Lanka. Trying Not to Move  -  if you met yourself in street?
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Barnaby Wilde (author)
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