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Barnaby’s Shorts (Volume Ten) Ten more Short Stories to read in the bath, on the train, in bed, or on the beach. A mixed bag of gentle humour, a touch of mystery and a hint of pathos. Tales with a twist. Amazonia ………………………..................  A Vertigo Labs story The Fab Aces   …………………................. More grow your own man problems The Woods  ………………………................ A history of failed relationships Things That Go Bump in the Night   ....... A Poacher's Inn story Spider  ……………………………................. A bean man's surprising talent The God of Small Things  ……….............. A meeting on the train in story and verse Another Ratt Tale  ………………................ Another Vertigo Labs story  Discrepancy  …………………....................  An anomoly in space Help Wanted  ………………...................….  Angie gets herself a small job Just Another Tall Tale  ….................…….. Once upon a time
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Barnaby Wilde (author)
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Humorous fiction (Tom Fletcher)
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Review by:  Tracey Howard  on Smashwords Oct. 27, 2014   As expected, an excellent collection of short stories that will leave you, in turns, feeling nostalgic, puzzled, delighted, sometimes even baffled, and always happy to have taken the time to indulge in a good read!
Review by:  Elizabeth Rowan Keith on Smashwords Nov 02, 2014 Another great collection.  Wilde's wit, imagination, and creative intelligence provide laughter, perspective, and points to ponder.  There is something here for everyone.  The dialog is snappy, and the narration is clear. Choosing a favorite would be difficult.  It might be "300 Things a Boy Can Do."  They're all good.
Detective fiction (Mercedes Drew)
Time travel novel
Short story collections